Capital Skills

Funded by the Government of Canada under the Future Skills program

Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business (CCAB) are pleased to collaborate with the Diversity Institute at Toronto Metropolitan University, to research and deliver financial training and one-on-one support for up to 300 Indigenous entrepreneurs across Canada, to support access to capital for their businesses.


As part of this exciting project, the CCAB will offer complimentary training programs and supports designed to support the research of the Diversity Institute and to build a foundation for your business; improve your skills to support your ability to access financial opportunities; and build your capacity within the entrepreneurial ecosystem.  All program participants will have access to support from facilitators and coach/mentors throughout the various programs.


The research will look at the effectiveness of the Capital Skills entrepreneurship training model to understand what type of training best supports the success of entrepreneurs from equity-deserving groups in Canada, as well as builds capacity in the ecosystem, and mitigates barriers for diverse Canadians pursuing entrepreneurship.


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